I love my children dearly. As a father of four, there are only a few things I would not do for them to ensure their happiness. Would I choose their friends? No. Would I choose their political affiliations? No. Would I choose their college? Absolutely not. Now remember, “choose” and “influence” are very different and I hope my model of how I live my life helps them to make wise decisions, but I would never outright choose any of the above for them.
I would, however, help them with their college application process. As a company, we are knee deep with seniors and their applications and having parent involvement is critical and welcomed. Within reason. While all of us, as parents, want to help our kids to...
When it comes to making students aware that they are seventeen and need to start thinking seriously about their lives, I give them the “core-four” post-high school options:
1)Â Â Â College
2)   A job (not a career, but more like “welcome to McDonalds, can I help you?)
3)Â Â Â The military (a noble pursuit)
4)Â Â Â Or jail. (eighteen = adult)
The stark realization that “life is real” jostles them; they are forced to consider the future and make some choices. Some kids jump at the opportunity to avoid moping floors and jail (duh) but others can still be rebellious and hard-headed. They are so caught up in the moment of being young and “invulnerable” that they are unable to make the clear distinctio...