Use College Admissions Data to Make Good Decisions

As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want them to get into the best college possible and are willing to do whatever it takes to help them achieve that goal. But with so many colleges, how do you know where to start?

One way to narrow down your options is to use data. Several websites and tools can help you compare different colleges based on factors like academic reputation, cost, and location. This information can be invaluable in helping you make informed decisions about where to apply.

Using data may not guarantee acceptance to your dream school, but it can help you avoid applying to schools where your child's chances of acceptance are slim. Please don't be ignorant of the data; use...

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Do the SAT and ACT Still Matter?

Standardized tests and their relevance have been debated heavily over the past two years, since the pandemic began. Colleges were forced to make admissions decisions without them in 2021 and 2022. If you have a junior, you’re probably wondering, “should they take the SAT or ACT?” For many students, the answer is yes – you should at least consider taking the tests. Whether or not the scores should be or will be submitted depends on various factors.

Test-optional policies allow you, your child, and your college counselor to decide if and how a standardized test can best support your child’s application. Scores can be withheld if they will not help. However, by not taking...

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Do You Know How Your Teenā€™s GPA Plays a Role in College Admissions?

For many high school students, the college application process can be overwhelming, especially regarding GPA and course selection. As a parent, it's essential to support your child through this process and ensure they make the right choices to succeed in the college admissions process.

First and foremost, it's important to understand that the transcript is the most critical aspect of your child's college application. While standardized testing, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations all matter, nothing matters more than a student's transcript. Colleges want to see how well your child has done over three or four years. Therefore, you must help your teen to understand it's time to...

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Possible Career : One of Four Pillars To Consider When Building a College List for Your Teen

So now is the time for you and your teen to begin considering which college is best for them and to start considering a possible career.

Click to watch the video and then continue reading below. 

Is that what college is all about?

Maybe, but as an admissions expert, I do want you to emphasize the importance of considering possible career paths when building a college list. While I understand that most 17-year-olds may not have everything figured out, parents and students must be aligned on the purpose of college education and the return on investment.

It is essential to discuss the investment being put into a college education and the return on that investment. Discussing the difference between...

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Possible Major : One of Four Pillars To Consider When Building a College List for Your Teen

Here at Strategic Admissions Advice, we believe there are four key pillars when considering colleges, there are:
~ Cost
~ Location
~ Possible major
~ Possible career

While all of these pillars are equally important, today we'll focus on possible majors and its impact on your teen’s college list.

Click below to watch my video discussing possible majors when it's time to build your teen's college list.

As your teen inches closer and closer to their senior year of high school, it's important to start thinking about their future career goals and, thus, a possible major they will pursue in college. Choosing a major is a critical step in setting them on the right path toward academic and professional...

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Location : One of Four Pillars To Consider When Building a College List for Your Teen

Today, we're going to discuss the importance of location in the college search process and how it factors into building a college list for your child.

When considering colleges, there are four key pillars to keep in mind: 

  • Cost,
  • Location
  • Possible major
  • Possible career 

While all of these pillars are important, today we'll focus on location and its impact on your teen’s college experience.

Click below to watch my video discussing location when it's time to build your teen's college list.

Before you start searching for colleges, it's important to think about three key things. 

#1: Physical Environment:
Investigate the campus environment as well as its surrounding...

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Cost : One of Four Pillars To Consider When Building a College List for Your Teen

There's a lot to consider when building your teen's college list. As a company, we help our clients think about the four pillars:

  • Cost
  • Location
  • Possible Major
  • Possible Career

Today we'll talk about cost because it's America, where money matters, and college is expensive.

Click below to watch my video discussing cost when it's time to build your teen's college list.  

So I want to ask you a few questions.

Do you know which colleges you should start researching? 

Do you know how much that college costs?

Do you understand financial aid terms such as "scholarships," "grants," "loans," "merit aid," and "FAFSA forms"?"

Have you visited each college's website and looked at their...

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Do You Know the Three Key Elements to Focus on During a College Visit?

Parents of 11th Graders,

As an educator and parent,  I understand the importance of researching and visiting colleges with your soon-to-be-senior-in-high-school. With spring break just around the corner, I assume many of you are starting to plan your college visits.


But, did you know that some colleges may have spring break at the same time as yours? Visiting colleges when students are not on campus is not ideal.  It can impact your teen’s initial college visit experience in a negative way. 

Given this, I recommend that you check out each school’s website and find out when they’re on spring break and make sure information sessions and tours are being offered...

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What College Major Will Your Teen Choose?

Class of 2024 Parents,

Did you know that you will be starting the college application process in only nine months? 

It’s right around the corner.

Click here to watch my new video about choosing a college major.

And, if you’re wondering if you might be ready (or not) I’m curious if you can answer these four important questions: 

  1. Do you know what your teen’s major is going to be? 
  2. Do you know their gifts?
  3. Do you know their strengths?
  4. Do you know their interests?

Asking yourself (and having a conversation with your teen) about these topics will start to shape their path and choices when it comes to choosing a college major.

I would be remiss if I did not bring...

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Have you contacted the school college counselor?

Parents of 11th graders, now that the semester or trimester is in full swing, I have a question for you:

Have you and your junior met with the school’s college counselor?

This is a critical step in the college admissions process at this time of year. Why?

This is a critical step in the college admissions process at this time of year. Why?

Without their school supporting your teen and understanding more about who they are and where they want to go to college - you could be losing valuable time, information and resources that your college counseling office provides.

Before I started Strategic Admissions AdviceI was a school guidance counselor. I understand firsthand what students and parents go...

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