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Free Guide: ABC's of College Admissions


As almost any parent will confirm, the college application process is extremely stressful on the applicants and the families who support them.  To limit the stress, and the friction that such stress causes, we wanted to provide expert support with a highly individualized approach. Shereem and the Strategic Admissions team provided the right balance of insight, structure and freedom to make the application process work for our son.   

The use of technology, particularly Zoom video conferencing, enabled consistent and personal communication. We never felt out of touch with the process or lacking in opportunity to contribute.  But, our most important role became that of cheerleaders and empathetic counselors, rather than managers.

-- Parent of a student at Duke University

 We sought additional college counseling because we wanted to enhance/supplement the service and advice our high school provided.  We wanted a third party, ‘objective’ opinion regarding everything from devising a realistic yet optimistic list of schools, to protocol concerning such matters as establishing personal contact with admissions officers etc. Strategic Admissions Advice was recommended to us by a trusted friend and we responded immediately to their professional, yet warm and genuine approach.  

-- Parent of a student at Vanderbilt University

For our son, having an expert review his abilities, give confidence in writing, provide some pointers for an interview and give consistent direction in a process that can be terribly anxiety-provoking in students was of great value.  Helpful to me as a parent? Oh, yes!! Mr. Herndon-Brown provided direction and confidence in ways beyond our expertise. It is very helpful to have an expert bring his special perceptions to the process, giving our son confidence much as he would receive from a very outstanding teacher or counselor, and more.  

-- Parent of a student at Columbia University

We were extremely pleased with the process and definitely with the outcome. Our College Coach was patient, accessible, knowledgeable and worked really well with our son. She kept us in the loop – and made sure his applications went out very early. So far he has gotten into all the schools he applied to – and we are thrilled! 

-- Parent of a student accepted to five colleges before November 15th

Strategic Admissions Advice's online tools helped inform us about specific issues presented by different application questions, and helped our son manage the deadlines. His advisor was very helpful in providing third party, unbiased essay criticism and advice, without inserting himself too much in the product.

--  Parent of a student at Pomona College

The service was very helpful to my son. They came up with a weekly plan and submitted all his schools well before the deadlines. That way he was able to hear quickly from rolling schools which took a lot of pressure of him. My son enjoyed working with his College Coach and brainstorming essay ideas. For me as a parent Strategic Admissions Advice took all the pressure out of a very stressful situation.

-- Parent of a student at the University of Texas at Austin