Help! My Daughterā€™s College Essay Stinks: Here's the Solution

Happy school year!

With college admissions season officially here, I understand that many parents begin to panic. The process can be a daunting time for both parents and students alike. At this juncture, it’s crucial to address a common concern: your child's college essay.

Chances are, you've read your child's essay, and you don't like it. You might even think it stinks or doesn't truly represent who your child is. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone. Many parents and students grapple with this challenge. However, the key is not to rewrite your child's essay for them; it's their journey, after all. Instead, let's work together to ensure your child's essay reflects them authentically.


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Are resumes necessary for high school students?

The short answer is “yes.” Some schools always ask for it and expect it (Cornell and Washington University in St. Louis). Every year, colleges tell me that they want to see that kids are engaged. Studies have shown that children who take part in after-school programs can enjoy the benefit of an academic boost. In fact, such studies showed that students who took part in regular after-school programs performed better academically than their peers who did not attend after-school activities. 

Time management is key
Students who take part in extracurricular activities are taught how to effectively manage their time. This is an excellent way to teach time management and help students learn...

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Should My Child Write About COVID 19?

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the words “COVID 19,” “coronavirus,” “pandemic,” “new normal,” and “pivot.” What I’m not tired of are masks and clean hands. These last 100 days+ have made us all rethink our lives. How we communicate, how we educate and most importantly, how we process such a life-altering situation. 

Teenagers have it worse. They have so much on their plates given school, social media and hormones. Most of them are even more eager than the adults to have life go back to “normal.” This is partially to suppress the fact that they’re anxious, depressed and flat out confused...

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