Summer Ideas for Teens

Volunteer. Yes, community service is still “in,”  but it’s now  called “civic engagement.” Regardless of the name, it’s the right thing to do, as long as it’s genuine. Being a giver is always en vogue, thus encouraging (forcing?) your kid to share his/her abilities and talents with others will be noticed on their application and offers a talking point for interviews and essays.


Earn a (summer) living. Work is for the worthy. Students need to know what it means to be somewhere everyday and report to someone. Showing commitment and responsibility is a sign of growth and maturation. As your child enters young adulthood, these are crucial attributes. 


Embrace Entrepreneurialism. We now live in a world where ideas make money. Innovation and creativity are essential to thrive in this new millennium, and colleges like to see that students are fired up to build something out of nothing. Support your child’s ambitions and help her to see the potential good her product or service will offer to the world. Colleges are thrilled to have such visionaries on their campuses.

Love to Learn. Academic programs exist at almost every selective, research university in the country. These programs are great for going deeper into a variety of academic disciplines. Students appreciate the time to invest their time in courses and projects that truly interest them. Plus they find a peer group with similar interests. Please do not think that going to a specific school for their summer program helps with undergraduate admission; it rarely does since they are usually not connected. Help your child to choose a program where they will thrive, not where you ultimately want them to go.

If you need help or suggestions, let’s connect for a Strategy Session

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