Helping Your Teen Write a College Essay That Wows Admissions Committees

College admissions can be an overwhelming process, especially when it comes to writing the all-important essay. For many parents, guiding their teen through this part of the application can feel like a daunting task. But with the right tools and strategies, you can help your high schooler create an essay that stands out to admissions officers.

Why the College Essay Matters

The college essay is a critical component of the admissions process. While test scores and grades provide colleges with a snapshot of a student’s academic achievements, the essay offers something more personal—a chance to see the human behind the application. It's an opportunity for your teen to showcase their personality, values, and aspirations. 

Admissions officers read thousands of essays each year, so your teen needs to craft something authentic and impactful. This is where you, as a parent, can step in to guide without taking over the process.

Step 1: Encouraging Self-Reflection

Before your teen begins writing, encourage them to reflect on their high school experience. Ask open-ended questions such as:

- What accomplishments are you most proud of?

- Have you faced any challenges that changed your perspective?

- What values or life experiences have shaped who you are today?

These questions will help your teen dig deeper into their personal story. Authenticity is key in college essays, and it’s important that your teen’s voice shines through. Colleges are looking for genuine insight into who the applicant is, beyond grades and extracurriculars.

Step 2: Understanding the Essay Prompt

Many colleges offer specific prompts for their essays. Whether through the Common Application or individual college prompts, each question is designed to reveal something unique about the applicant. Help your teen break down the prompt by discussing what it’s asking for:

- Does the prompt focus on personal growth?

- Is it asking for a story about leadership or overcoming challenges?

- How can they connect their own experiences to the prompt’s themes?

This step is critical in ensuring that the essay stays focused and relevant. If your teen struggles with how to respond to the prompt, consider enrolling them in the How to Write an Awesome College Essay course, where we guide students through interpreting essay questions.

Step 3: Crafting a Strong Narrative

Once your teen has a solid list of ideas, it’s time to focus on crafting a compelling narrative. A strong college essay isn’t just a list of achievements; it’s a story that captivates and resonates with the reader. Help your teen think of their essay as a story with a beginning, middle, and end. 

Consider these storytelling elements:

- Hook: The opening should grab the reader’s attention. It could be a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a vivid description of a key moment in their life.

- Conflict or challenge: Whether it’s an obstacle they’ve overcome or a pivotal moment of personal growth, the essay should describe how they dealt with challenges.

- Resolution: The conclusion should reflect on how the experience shaped them and what they’ve learned.

Step 4: Revising for Perfection

After your teen has completed their first draft, it’s time for revision. This is where they can refine their ideas, clarify their message, and ensure that their essay flows well. Encourage your teen to:

- Read the essay out loud to catch awkward phrasing or transitions.

- Ask for feedback from teachers or counselors who know them well.

- Take breaks between drafts to return with fresh eyes.

Revisions are essential to creating a polished, compelling final product. But remember, revisions should enhance the essay—not completely change its tone or message.

So what can YOU do to help your teen?

Purchase the How to Write an Awesome College Essay course! It offers step-by-step instructions, tips, and expert insights into what makes a college essay exceptional. With the right tools and support, your teen can craft an essay that leaves a lasting impression on admissions committees.

Writing a college essay is a significant milestone in the admissions process, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. As a parent, you can help your teen by offering encouragement, thoughtful feedback, and the resources they need to succeed. By enrolling in our How to Write an Awesome College Essay course, you’ll provide your teen with the confidence and skills to write an essay that stands out.

Don’t wait—help your teen take the next step in their college admissions journey today.

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