Strategic College List Building: College Majors

Today, let's delve into a crucial aspect of the college search process: discovering your high school teen's possible college major.

Understanding the Four Pillars:

As we've discussed before, the college search process at Strategic Admissions Advice revolves around four key pillars. While cost and location are essential considerations, today, we focus on the third pillar: possible major.

Why Your Teen's Major Matters:

Do you know your teen's true strengths and academic interests? It's crucial for students to approach college with intentionality, understanding why they want to attend and, ideally, what they want to study. At Strategic Admissions, we utilize assessments to help identify strengths and interests, paving the way for meaningful academic choices.

The Role of Academic Intentionality:

College isn't just about obtaining a degree; it's about learning, growing, and honing one's academic strengths. When teens have a clear academic focus, they can tailor their curriculum, engage in relevant extracurricular activities, and truly thrive in their educational journey.

Efficiency in College:

The cost of college can be significant, and the longer your teen stays, the more it can accumulate. With a solid understanding of their academic identity, students can efficiently navigate their coursework, ensuring they take the right courses and progress toward graduation in a timely manner.

Application Expectations:

Colleges expect applicants to declare their major or academic interest. If your teen hasn't explored their strengths and interests, now is the time to guide them. A focused student is not only a strong applicant but someone who can maximize their time in college, following a clear plan.

The Solution: College List Builder:

At Strategic Admissions Advice, we understand the importance of having a plan. Our College List Builder is designed to provide families with a curated list of 20 colleges tailored to your teen's strengths and interests. It all starts with a strategy session where we learn about your teen's gifts and academic profile.

Having a roadmap and a list for your child’s college search journey are crucial, and at Strategic Admissions Advice, we are here to offer you just that. Visit us to learn more about our services and how we can guide your teen toward a successful and fulfilling college experience.

If you're ready to empower your teen with a targeted academic plan, contact us at Strategic Admissions Advice. Let's unlock your child’s potential together. 

Thank you.

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