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Free Guide: ABC's of College Admissions

Attention Parents,

Explore the pathway to success in the college admission process.

Access proven strategies meticulously designed to guide you and your teen through the intricate and overwhelming journey of college admissions.

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The ABC's of College Admissions

Your teen needs you during this process and this guide will prepare you both

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Navigating the college admissions process can evoke both excitement and apprehension for you and your child.

While college offers the promise of transformative experiences and lifelong connections, gaining admission requires careful planning and perseverance. Our comprehensive guide breaks down the complexities of the college admissions journey into manageable steps, providing you with a roadmap to success.

It's important to recognize that both you and your child play pivotal roles in this journey.

The college admissions landscape has evolved significantly over the past few decades, presenting unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you're navigating this process for the first time or supporting your child's aspirations, our ABCs of College Admissions guide offers invaluable insights to navigate today's dynamic admissions landscape.

Are You Experiencing Pressure And Anxiety When Thinking About The College Application Process?

We Have You Covered!

Rest assured, we understand the challenges you face during the college application process. Among the most common concerns for parents is the fierce competition for admission to prestigious institutions. Worries about your child's acceptance into their desired colleges can be overwhelming.

However, there's a solution to ease your concerns and ensure preparedness, particularly if your teen has dedicated significant effort to their high school journey. Access The ABC's to College Admissions for invaluable insights and guidance on crafting a strategic plan for your child's future.

A Note from Shereem 

As an educator and college admissions expert for 25 years, I am deeply passionate about helping teens like yours achieve academic success. That's why I have written this ebook to assist you in navigating the complex college application process. It contains valuable information that will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to support your teens through this important journey.

By using this guide, you will experience a sense of empowerment and confidence in your ability to help your teen succeed. You will have access to insider tips and strategies that will help you and your teen make informed decisions and take the necessary steps to secure admission to the college of their dreams.

Learn more about Shereem

In This Guide, You'll Learn About The 4 Main Pillars of College Admissions

Admissions and Applications

Building a College List



Submitting at the Right Time 

The ABC's of College Admissions was meticulously crafted to provide you with a comprehensive blueprint and actionable steps to streamline and simplify the college application process.

Countless individuals, just like you, who once found themselves navigating this complex journey, have successfully employed our strategies. By leveraging our guidance, they transformed what could have been a daunting experience into a stress-free and manageable process, ensuring a smoother transition for both themselves and their teen.


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Hear What Other Parents Have To Say:

"Shoutout to Shereem Herndon-Brown at Strategic Admissions Advice, LLC. If I hadn’t received the weekly guidance provided by SAA for parents of rising Juniors and Seniors, as a busy professional, I never would have remembered to tell our son to ask his teachers for Letters of Recommendations."

-Parent, Class of 2023 and 2024