It’s Never Too Early To Start

If your child wants to be a candidate at selective colleges in a few years, here are some important things to do:

Select challenging courses. It is imperative that students take courses that will appropriately “stretch” them. Getting good grades is paramount, but if your child takes easier courses than they can probably handle, colleges will know and not be impressed. 

Encourage them to get involved with a variety of activities

Do not allow your child to become a “two-stop” (home and school) kind of kid. Colleges want students who will contribute to their college communities. The best way to show that is for them to contribute to their high school community. 

Understanding the testing timeline. This is throughout high school. Despite all the conversations about the validity of standardized tests, please know that it's not going anywhere. At least for the overwhelming majority of schools. As a 9th grader, your student may be qualified to take a SAT Subject Test. Ask your school counselor or ask us. 

Information about the college process is critical. Gather it and share!

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