How Can My Child Start Their Common Application Now?

Juniors, sophomores, and freshmen, but particularly you juniors, do you know that the common application is available now? Yes, even though it’s only March, you can start your common application right now and I encourage you to do so.  Just go to and create an account, check off “other student” and indicate what class year you are (2020, 2021, 2022). By starting your common application now, you're able to gather the information you'll need from your parents and your school, as well as list the activities you’re involved in.

There's no harm in doing it now even though you're not going to apply until between August and January. Please visit and consider starting your common application account. Parents, you can do one too. It's just a preview. This is an opportunity to input information that you're going to have to do later any way, so start it now.

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